Katharein - One Sided Dice

4 months ago

Hoje iremos viajar para as terras de uma personalidade icica da cultura global, iremos para as terras do Conde Vlad…

Suasion - Enemy

4 months ago

Vamos viajar para as terras que abrigam a capital da EU, terra dos cartoons como Tin Tin, excelentes cervejas e…

Fallen Void - Worth It

4 months ago

E vamos para a estrada, dessa vez com destino aos Estados Unidos da America! Vamos falar a respeito de uma…

This Burning Sky - The Crowd

4 months ago

Let's travel to the land of the European Alps, great watches and banks, let's go to Switzerland! We'll be presenting...

Absent Theory - Break

4 months ago

Today our musical journey will take us to the far north of the American continent, to Canada! For we will talk about...

David Johnson Kim - Go Beyond

4 months ago

Today our musical journey will take us to the United States of America! We'll be talking about the musical project of...

Darkness Is My Canvas - Rejected

4 months ago

Today our musical journey will take us to the frozen lands of Finland! We'll be talking about the band Darkness is...

Thy Next Foe - Summoning

4 months ago

The North American band Thy Next Foe has just released its latest single "Summoning" on the 29th...

Enemy Within - Dead Man Walking

4 months ago

Let's travel to Brighton, UK! We will be presenting the band Enemy Within! Here it must be said, stop...

Cryoshock - Breath of the Great Lung

4 months ago

The great Swedish power trio Cryoshock have just released their latest single ?Breath of the Great...