Categories: Interviews

Interview with Desert Storm Band

We recently published here at MetalJunkbox the release of the first single from the English band Desert Storm: Cheyne StokingWe had the opportunity to ask Ryan Cole, the band's guitarist, a few questions about his career and creative process. Check it out below:

15 years as a band, another new album to work on and a long tour ahead, what motivates the band to keep going forward with so much renewed spirit?

Yes, it's a long time!

16 years now actually! We still very much enjoy the creative aspect of writing music together and seeing the songs come to life as they are laid down in the studio. It's incredibly fun and rewarding touring the records too and making new fans...all this motivates us to keep going and pushing the band. The only downside is the financial side, as it can be expensive at times!

This is the band's seventh album? Is there any big difference in the creation process of this album or in the sound of it compared to the other albums?

É definitivamente uma progressão natural em relação ao nosso último álbum. O ?Death Rattle? é provavelmente mais progressivo, e é mais rijo do que o ?Omens foi. Ainda mantém o som da Desert Storm. Os nossos primeiros discos eram mais bluesy / rock sul, mas o nosso som desenvolveu-se muito ao longo dos anos. A Desert Storm é agora muito mais pesada com músicas mais complexas.

It's impressive the quality and creativity of several videos of the band, how do you come up with the conceptions and ideas for the videos?

Muitos dos vídeos estão bastante focados nas letras de Matts. Embora com o último vídeo nos tenhamos concentrado no título Cheyne Stoking. Cheyne stoking é o padrão de respiração / último suspiro no fim da vida de uma pessoa antes de sair deste reino?. um assunto bastante sombrio. Um dos nossos filmes britânicos favoritos ?Dead Man?s Shoes? é a filmagem utilizada no vídeo musical ?Cheyne Stoking?. É um filme de vingança negra e numa cena as palavras ?Cheyne Stoking? são pintadas em spray na parede. Isto funcionou bem, penso eu!

Cheyne Stoking, the first single has powerful lyrics. The care with the lyrics is quite remarkable, who are the main composers and how do the concepts of each work?

Musically, songs are usually built around a guitar riff myself or Chris comes up with, and from there the song is made from others contributing ideas. Sometimes a song will be completely pre written by one of us, but generally it's the first way.
Lyrics are always written by Matt. He is a strong lyricist with a vivid imagination. His journey into psychedelic drugs in his teenage years probably helped with this!

You have a very busy tour, when will our Portuguese readers be able to see Desert Storm in loco?

We hope to come to Portugal soon, we have played in Spain a few times but are yet to get to Portugal...hopefully next year!

Check out Cheyne Stoking's clip below:

Artists: Desert Storm

Daniel Caceiro

Born in Brazil and living in London, I co-founded and manage the UK and US sides of MetalJunkbox, specializing in concert photography, and promoting live events and launches by various artists. I?ve been a photographer since 2016 and I also act as the nerd of the team, taking care of the technical side of the project, and on top of all that, having the worst taste of the trio (or better)!

Published by
Daniel Caceiro

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