The O2 Academy Islington hosted an extraordinary evening featuring Amigo The Devil, aka Danny Kiranos, performing for a packed house of fans of all ages, some dressed up as cowboys, some with his logo tattooed, families and more.
Nate Bergman
Nate Bergman opened the show brilliantly, captivating the audience with his emotive songs and witty banter. His talent for storytelling and catchy choruses had everyone singing along enthusiastically.
Friend the Devil
Danny took the stage next, openly admitting his voice wasn't in top form but promising to give his all with the crowd's support. This honesty strengthened his connection with the audience, who eagerly participated throughout the night.
The energy surged with 'Murder at the Bingo Hall', electrifying the venue. Carson Kehrer's drumming stood out as the band matched Danny's intensity, delivering an unrefined and polished sound.
The Devil's Friend setlist showcased his knack for blending dark lyrics with a sense of shared experience. Danny even sang a song about his recently deceased dog and the Waffle House. Fans sang every word to favorites like 'Cocaine and Abel' and 'Hungover in Jonestown'. The new track 'My Body is a Dive Bar' was warmly received, proving that his success remains strong.
The night peaked during the final song, 'Perfect Wife', as Danny joined the audience, creating an intimate atmosphere. This moment makes the bond between Amigo The Devil and his fans even stronger.
In summary, despite vocal challenges, that we couldn't notice, Amigo the Devil delivered a remarkable performance filled with emotion, humour, and a strong sense of community. As the last notes faded, it was clear that everyone present had experienced something truly exceptional at the O2 Academy Islington.
Artists: Friend the Devil, Nate Berman