Categories: Live Reviews

Boston Manor at SWG3, Glasgow 2024

Boston Manor?s UK tour is their largest and most successful yet, selling out major venues across the country. Their performance at SWG3 in Glasgow, as singer Henry Cox puts it, is ?our biggest show in Scotland ever.? Henry?s gratitude is palpable as he channels his energy and enthusiasm throughout the band?s entire set.

?We absolutely love this country!? Henry screams to a proud and supportive Scottish crowd, adding praise for SWG3 with, ?This venue is sick. It feels like a f*cking car park.?

With an average set time of 55 minutes and no encores because, in Henry?s words, ?they?re f*cking lame,? Boston Manor delivers a tight, confident performance that blends both old and new tracks. Support acts Trophy Eyes and Split Chain also stand tall, holding their own with strong performances keeping the mosh-pits burning all night.

The event counted with support from from Split Chain and Trophy Eyes. Checkout their galleries below::

Split Chain

Trophy Eyes

Boston Manor Setlist

Venue: SWG3 TV Studio, Glasgow


  1. Datura (Dawn)
  2. Container
  3. Floodlights on the Square
  4. England's Dreaming
  5. Sliding Doors
  6. Horses In A Dream
  7. Liquid
  8. Inertia
  9. I Don't Like People (& They Don't Like Me)
  10. HEAT ME UP
  11. Dissolve
  12. Fornix
  13. Bad Machine
  14. Halo
  15. Crocus
  16. Passenger
  17. Foxglove

Artists: Boston Manor

Ruairidh Galbraith

Ruairidh is a musician & photographer based out of the west coast of Scotland, where he runs Etive Photography. When rural cabin-fever sets in, he enjoys escaping to the city to attend (and capture) live music wherever possible.

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