eyehategod rca lisboa 2024 04 26
eyehategod rca lisboa 2024 04 26

Eyehategod at the RCA Club

Photos by: Vitor Lage

On a beautiful Friday night, May 3, the RCA Club, a mythical venue in Alvalade, Lisbon, hosted the legendary and influential New Orleans band Eyehategod. The band formed at the end of the 80s and made their debut in 1990 with the classic "In The Name Of Suffering" and from then on history was made, with the kings of NOLA's fertile underground scene accumulating more and more fans.

The opening act was the astonishing Scatterbrainiac, who came straight from Porto to perform a punk mix with high-intensity hardcore. With the RCA already full, they put all their fury with both feet in the door, drawing great reactions from the audience and warming up the atmosphere exquisitely.

The time has come for Eyehategod's long-awaited return to Portugal, with practically the entire house full, in fact there were only a few tickets left for us to sell out, when the Lousiana legends entered the stage you could immediately feel the weight and the dense atmosphere in the quick soundcheck they gave in front of everyone!

Those who arrived a little early at the RCA could see guitarist Jimmy Bower taking a nap of the gods in the van, before unleashing all the sludgy, impactful riffs. Vocalist Mike IV Williamns, on the other hand, was a stand-out, with his acid charisma as heavy as his band's sound, and he remains one of the most celebrated frontmen in the whole fucking world.
With the audience in hand, Eyehategod were able to distribute their set list precisely, playing classics such as Worthless Rescue, Agitation! Propaganda! and Sisterfucker (Part I) , and making it clear that they will always be well received when they land in Portugal.

Eyehategod setlist at RCA Club Lisboa

  • Dixie Whiskey
  • Lack of Almost Everything
  • Worthless Rescue
  • Masters of Legalized Confusion
  • Jack Ass in the Will of God
  • High Risk Trigger
  • Blank / Shoplift
  • Sisterfucker (Part I)
  • Medicine Noose
  • The Age of Bootcamp
  • Agitation! Propaganda!
  • New Orleans Is the New Vietnam
  • Methamphetamine
  • Peace Thru War (Thru Peace and War)
  • Run It Into the Ground
  • Every Thing, Every Day


  • Sabbath Jam
  • Revelation/Revolution

Artist: Eyehategod

Artists: Eyehategod