LizZard at O2 Academy Islington, London 2024
LizZard at O2 Academy Islington, London 2024

LizZard at O2 Academy Islington, London 2024

It was one of those London evenings ? cold, wet, and so miserable it felt like the universe itself was begging me to stay home. Yet there I was, dodging transport delays and puddles, minding all gaps, all in the name of live music. The O2 Academy Islington stood out like a beacon of hope, promising questionable warmth, beer, and music that would hopefully shake off the dreary mood.  

Apologies to Godsticks for missing most of their set?I didn?t realise how early the gig started! From the few minutes I did catch, they put on a solid performance and had great proggy energy. Wish I?d seen more!

As the lights dimmed and LizZard strode out, my disposition shifted, and whatever had been weighing me down all day was instantly replaced with excitement that buzzed through the crowd and settled into my chest.