Millie Manders and the Shut Up, London 2025

On Thursday, February 13, Dingwalls in London vibrated with the vociferous energy of Millie Manders and the Shut Up.

Delivering fan favourites like Rebound the setlist wove a tapestry of ska, punk & rock influences of the last four decades; each track visibly resonating with the audience.

Millie’s powerful vocals and commanding stage presence were complemented by the band’s tight and cohesive sound, creating an atmosphere that was both intimate and explosive to experience.

Tracks like, “Me Too,” and, “Shut Your Mouth,” showcased the band’s commitment to addressing pressing social issues through their music, blending thought-provoking lyrics with infectious melodies.

Bubble guns seem to be the stage gimmick of 2025 with Millie giving no pause to whip hers out and fire point blanc to the delighted fans, adding a palpably playful touch to their stage presence, carefully balancing their deeper and more meaningful messages.

Make sure you check out their latest album Wake Up, Shut Up, Work!

Artist: Millie Manders and The Shutup

Photographer: Chelsea Savage

Reviewer: Chelsea Savage

Venue: Dingwalls

City: London

Country: UK