Photo credit: Jamie MacMillan
Between an incredible performance from shortstraw. and the awaited stage entrance of Soft Play, Alyx Holcombe comes out to prepare everyone for the night ahead. But before bubbling up excitement for headliners of the night, she takes a moment to introduce us to the Head of War Child Records Rich Clarke, who sombres the room into an important reflection on what this night is all about. Clarke speaks on War Child?s work in 30 countries around the world, such as Gaza, Lebanon and Ukraine, where they use money raised ?from shows just like this? to get children affected by war safe, and to give them access to things like counselling to get through the trauma caused by these wars. We are reminded that the need for aid, from charities such as themselves, is greater now than ever due to the current political climate. He makes the very powerful statement that ?hope is an incredible currency? and that by even having a conversation, it can make a difference. Clarke, after leaving a vitally inspiring mark on the room, encourages anyone who can afford to do so, to text HOPE to the number 70225 in order to donate