The White Buffalo at Lisboa ao Vivo 2024

Photos by Vitor Lage

Last Sunday the 13th, the talented musician Jake Smith, better known as the leader of the The White Buffalo made his Portuguese stage debut at Lisboa ao Vivo to present his new album A Freight Train Through the Night? launched on October 4th.

L.A. Edwards

The show also featured the captivating Californian band L.A Edwards who really warmed up the atmosphere at the LAV, with a very atmospheric, darker mood to get the couples present dancing to their romantic and very intimate ballads.

The White Buffalo

With a full house at 10.05 p.m. Jake Smith entered the LAV stage alone with his guitar and began to mesmerize the audience with the spectacular ?Wish It Was True? with its unique and powerful bass. As the song progressed, musicians Matt Lynott on drums and Christopher Hoffee on bass appeared on stage to bring more intensity to the concert.

Importante dizer que tudo neste trio funciona perfeitamente ,excelentes músicos como Christopher Hoffee que se revezava entre o baixo e o teclado , tudo isso naturalmente conquistou uma plateia alucinada que cantava junto a maioria das musicas, principalmente ?Come Join the Murder? musica que encerra de forma primorosa a serie Sons of Anarchy.

Casa cheia, publico empolgado assim como Jake Smith que elogiou a plateia diversas vezes dizendo coisas como ?vocês são incriveis? e ?temos que voltar mais vezes? sinais de que a sinergia entre todos que estiveram no LAV naquele domingo chuvoso se divertiram imensamente.

Artists: The White Buffallo

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