Categories: Live Reviews

Wolves in the Throne Room and Gaerea at EartH Hackey, London 2024

Last night at Earth in Hackney, Wolves in the Throne Room delivered an unforgettable performance that truly embodied the essence of atmospheric black metal. Unfortunately, due to traffic delays, we missed Mortiferum?s opening set, but the night was far from lost as the intensity ramped up with Gaerea taking the stage.


The band?s atmospheric and depressive black metal sound was brought to life with an intensity that captivated the audience from start to finish. The members, clad in their signature masks bearing the band?s sigil, created a haunting visual spectacle. The vocalist?s contorted movements and emotive growls were a physical manifestation of inner turmoil, turning the performance into a visceral experience. Gaerea?s set was as powerful as immersive as we expected from the band.

Wolves in the Throne Room

The excitement for Wolves in the Throne Room grew as the fog filled the stage. The mist, eerie lighting, and decorations like branches, deer skulls, and wooden sculptures set the mood for a mystical show. The band?s blend of black metal with atmospheric sounds transported the audience to another world. Their slow, heavy tracks were meditative, while the faster songs energized the crowd, leading to headbanging and mosh pits.

Wolves in the Throne Room?s performance went beyond just music, creating a spiritual experience. By the end of the night, the audience was exhausted but still in awe, slowly leaving the venue while still feeling the magic of the performance.

Photos by our London photographer Daniel Caceiro

Artists: Gaerea, Wolves in The Throne Room

Daniel Caceiro

Born in Brazil and living in London, I co-founded and manage the UK and US sides of MetalJunkbox, specializing in concert photography, and promoting live events and launches by various artists. I?ve been a photographer since 2016 and I also act as the nerd of the team, taking care of the technical side of the project, and on top of all that, having the worst taste of the trio (or better)!

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