Come on, today our musical journey will take us to the land of the rising sun! We're going to Japan! Let's talk about the band known as Illusica !!!
I have to say stop everything! Stop everything and check out this band!!! We have here a band that knows very well how to incorporate elements of symphonic metal, alternative metal and in the middle of it, put all the originality and creativity that the band knows very well how to put in their songs!!! It is necessary to point out that the band manages to create its sound in a very original approach within the usual Japanese bands, and perhaps that is a great differential that I need to say is very well produced!
The Maiden of Death is that song that delivers all the energy of a good song to seize the day, to enjoy the song in its fullness and appreciate the guitar solos, and all the feeling that the band knew very well how to introduce! Highly recommended!
Seguiremos com a nossa jornada pelo mundo da musica, onde o nosso destino será as…
A banda britânica Slung , acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single intitulado ?Laughter?…
We're going to Canada! We'll talk about the band...
Capitaneado pelo talentoso guitarrista/vocalista Kamil Sikorsk, o projeto solo Across The Shade, acaba de lançar…
Vamos falar de uma banda fantástica que já apareceu aqui no Metal Junkbox , estamos…
We're continuing our musical journey through the world of music, today we're going to the United States...