
Interview: Satanic Diva (Nervous and Bloodhunter)

In today's special episode, we had the honor of counting with the participation of the incredible Satanic Diva, Spanish vocalist of the bands Nervosa and Bloodhunter. We talk about the recently released Perpetual Chaos released by Nervosa, about her career and how she became one of the most grateful revelations of 2021 of the World Metal. Be sure to check out this relaxed chat with the magnificent Satanic Diva!  


Artists: Bloodhunter, Nervous

Daniel Caceiro

Born in Brazil and living in London, I co-founded and manage the UK and US sides of MetalJunkbox, specializing in concert photography, and promoting live events and launches by various artists. I?ve been a photographer since 2016 and I also act as the nerd of the team, taking care of the technical side of the project, and on top of all that, having the worst taste of the trio (or better)!

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