MJB Styles #4: Doom Metal - origins, highlights and news
MJB Styles #4: Doom Metal - origins, highlights and news

MJB Styles #4: Doom Metal - origins, highlights and news

Today we will talk about that sludgy style, with slow tempos and dirty guitars that evoke a gloomy atmosphere and cause dread in some and fun in many, we are obviously talking about Doom Metal! We will talk a bit about the origin, and some of the bands that made Doom Metal one of the most listened to styles since the 80's, and that goes very well with the Halloween that is coming!

Bands quoted in the episode:

  • Candlemass
  • Black Sabbath
  • Swallow the Sun
  • Katatonia
  • Cathedral
  • Electric Wizard
  • And more...

Intro by Cybass