Metal Bands from Ukraine: Stoned Jesus, 1914, Autumnia, Ignea, Nokturnal Mortum and W. Angels Conquest? 
Metal Bands from Ukraine: Stoned Jesus, 1914, Autumnia, Ignea, Nokturnal Mortum and W. Angels Conquest? 

Metal Bands from Ukraine: Stoned Jesus, 1914, Autumnia, Ignea, Nokturnal Mortum and W. Angels Conquest? 

And today our metal travelers went to the cold Ukraine, known for its Orthodox Churches, the Black Sea coast, the wooded mountains, Chernobyl and its incredibly overwhelming metal bands.

Bands quoted in the episode:

  • Stoned Jesus
  • Ignea
  • 1914
  • Nokturnal Mortum
  • W. Angels
  • Conquest
  • Autumnia

Listen to our playlist with the bands mentioned in the episode and follow our Instagram. Intro by Cybass

Artists: 1914, Autumnia, Ignea, Nokturnal Mortum, Stoned Jesus, W. Angels Conquest?