This time, in the face of all the atrocities that the spoiled Vladimir Putin is doing, we decided to cool things down with a little light-hearted banter by choosing our 5 favorite albums that we would take to a bunker in case World War III broke out.
This is the first episode of What If, created by the lunatic Michel Chaib with the participation of the no less lunatic Paulo Brandao.
O talentoso musico Sueco Fredrik Pihl , acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single…
We're going to talk about a band we really like, straight from the cold lands of Finland,...
Vamos viajar para as terras da Alemanha! Voltaremos a falar da ótima banda Tenside! Tem…
A banda espanhola Lethargus , acaba de lançar dois dos seus mais recentes singles intitulados…
The Statement was released ahead of Bowling for soup's UK Tour that takes place in…
And we're off on the road, this time to the United States of America! Let's go...