Auraether - Divine Distraction
Auraether - Divine Distraction

Auraether - Divine Distraction

Vamos velejar para oceanos distantes, iremos apresentar a banda AurÆther diretamente de Hong Kong e que já deu as caras pelo Metal Junkbox.

There are bands that when you listen to them you like only a few songs, others you like only one song, but there are bands like AurÆther that you are impressed, thrilled and enchanted by from the very first play! What a band, my friends, what a band! With just a few seconds of playing, I was sure that I was in front of an incredible band that knows very well how to create their sound, using a good base of influences ranging from Alternative Metal, Groove Metal and much more! I have to say it again, if you don't know this band yet, you're wasting your time!

A banda acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single intitulado ?Divine Distraction? que faz parte do álbum Forth, Mother Earth lançado no passado dia 8 de agosto, e que já esta disponível nas principais plataformas digitais.