Categories: New Releases

Avalanche Effect - Undergrowth

Let's travel directly to the land of the Autobahn, we're talking about Germany! We will be presenting the band Avalanche Effect!

Aqui temos uma excelente banda para os apreciadores de Metal, daquelas que contam com influ cias de Metal Core, Hard Core / Alternativa Metal, cheio de atitude, agressividade, intensidade e peso! Bandas boas de tal maneira que eu não poderia deixar de dizer que essa banda é indispensável na sua biblioteca!!! Contam com alguns singles em seu acervo musical que garantidamente irão agradar a fãs desse tipo de som!

Undergrowth is an incredible song, it manages to deliver all the modernity that we can find in bands like Polaris, but it does so without losing its originality, without failing to make its personality explicit. In this song, the band manages to demonstrate very well what they are capable of. With weight and melody balanced in a very cool way, the band uses and abuses its ability to entertain and succeeds in a unique way!!! Delivering a song that is modern, heavy, full of special elements and very well produced. Check it out!

André Alonso

Graduated in Radio and TV, co-founder of Metal Junkbox, crazy about music and all its aspects and possibilities, and addicted to concerts, whether Mainstream or Underground. I actively participate in album and concert reviews and the curation of bands within Metal Junkbox. I?m passionate about the underground scene and supporting bands that need a space to present their work most honestly and sincerely possible.

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