AvatariA - Baba Jaga
AvatariA - Baba Jaga

AvatariA - Baba Jaga

Let's continue our adventure through the musical world, let's go to Germany! We will present the band AvatariA!!!

Well it is important to make a clear question, if what you are looking for is a Death Metal band, with Black Metal influences, those that are filled with excellent riffs, aggression and a lot of weight? Then you can't miss AvatariA! It is important to mention that lovers of bands like Bahemoth and Enslaved, can find here a band to put on their list of bands to follow!!! I just have to say, listen to AvatariA!

A banda acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single intitulado “Baba Jaga” no passado dia 29 de Fevereiro , e já se encontra disponível nas principais plataformas digitais.