Categories: New Releases

Bane Of Olympus - Temple of the Gods

Let's continue our musical journey, our destination today will be the United States of America!!! We will be presenting the band Bane Of Olympus!!!

If you're a fan of good instrumental metal, with progressive metal influences, melodic metal, that impresses with its wealth of detail, combined with good riffs and great melodies, speed and a lot of versatility, you'll be able to capture the listener's attention! Well, I have to say, listen to Bane Of Olympus! With a very interesting proposal, Bane Of Olympus manages to deliver a modern and very well-produced sound!

Temple of the Gods is a song full of attitude, progressiveness and virtuosity! We have here a modern, heavy and well-produced song! After listening, we can see that the band demonstrates an excellent productive and creative quality, a mark that is explicit in their compositions with their versatility and ability to deliver! Recommended!

Amy Shephard

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