BaYat - Slowburn
BaYat - Slowburn

BaYat - Slowburn

Today our musical journey will be to the lands of Serbia! We'll be talking about the band BaYaT!!!

There are bands that, when they're good, come back to MJ, and BaYat is one of them! The band has already appeared here, so if you missed it, check out a bit about the band:

BaYaT is the perfect band for those who like good alternative rock, with post-grunge influences and who manage to bring nuances from bands like Alter Bridge and create their sound in a modern and very original way! They deserve every second of your attention because the band knows very well how to captivate their audience!

Slowburn is a song that manages to incorporate all the band's musical influences and deliver new material that is creative, intense and full of personality! A song that captivates on the first play and that was made to capture new listeners, so I say, don't waste time and listen right now, because I know you won't regret it, check it out!!!