Let's travel, let's go up to Europe and go to the lowlands of Holland (Netherlands), let's present the band known as Black Pegasus!!!
Jcomeço por dizer que potencia!! Vamos introduzir uma banda que sabe bem o significado de peso e agressividade!! Com um som que possui fortes influências de Doom Metal, Sludge, Deathcore e Dark Metal, a banda dá uma aula de como entregar canções repletas de influências mas com toda a originalidade que tanto buscamos nas bandas na atualidade. Uma entrega repleta de bons momentos, ótimas canções, muita profundidade e riffs que irão ficar na sua cabeça, não deixe de conferir!!
Stellar Graveyard was the song responsible for awakening our interest in this talented band, who managed to capture our gaze and make us spend a long time listening to their songs, with all the weight, aggression, intensity and a certain tone of despair that the song manages to convey, all very well done, so I can say with propriety that when you listen to this song, just like me, you can be transported to a parallel reality and live an excellent musical experience that the band manages to deliver very well in their work. For this same reason, listening to one song wouldn't be enough, so we listened to Eulogy of a Broken Man, another song that has all the sludgy cadence of sludge, that cadence that shows speed, combined with riffs that take you to a parallel reality with a lot of feeling and weight, check it out!!!
The Statement was released ahead of Bowling for soup's UK Tour that takes place in…
And we're off on the road, this time to the United States of America! Let's go...
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Como é bom voltar a falar de bandas que já apareceram pelo Metal Junkbox e…
Diretamente do Canadá a banda Slow Motion Victory , acaba de lançar o seu single…
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