
Black Pegasus - Void Reapers

Vamos viajar, vamos subir a europa e ir para o Países Baixos (Netherlands), vamos apresentar a banda conhecida como Black Pegasus!!!

I'll start by saying what a powerhouse! Let's introduce a band that knows the meaning of heaviness and aggression!!! With a sound that has strong influences of Doom Metal, Sludge, Deathcore and Dark Metal, the band gives a lesson in how to deliver songs full of influences but with all the originality that we are looking for in bands today. A delivery full of good moments, great songs, a lot of depth and riffs that will stick in your head, be sure to check it out!!!

A banda acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single intitulado “Void Reapers” que faz parte do álbum Midnight Room lançado no passado dia 15 de Junho , e já se encontra disponível nas principais plataformas digitais.


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