Categories: New Releases

Breed 77 Releases Epic New Single “Outside”

After returning from their hiatus earlier this year, UK/Gibraltar flamenco metal masters Breed 77 are currently in the midst of their first UK tour in ten years. Receiving warm responses from the audience at every show so far, it's as if they've never left the scene.

According to the band themselves, they wanted to live in the present moment, return with a purpose, with new music and not just be a band that returned out of nostalgia. Their new single Outside shows that Breed 77 are still among the best when it comes to catchy riffs, pulsing bass, huge vocal hooks and even bigger choruses.

Following their first comeback single, End Of The Line, Outside is everything fans could expect from the new Breed 77, with a few new touches that make the band sound as relevant in 2024 as they ever were. Check out the visually spectacular video for Outside below:

To find out a little more about the new single, we passed the word on to Breed 77 themselves:

?Outside é um hino empolgante construído sobre camadas de guitarras, baixo pulsante, ritmo envolvente e vocais arrebatadores que entregam a mensagem de que tudo bem não se encaixar, de se sentir um desajustado na sociedade atual. Com tudo o que está acontecendo no mundo ? desde política até atitudes e valores das pessoas ? tudo bem se sentir alienado de todo o caos que você encontra diariamente.?

Turnê do Breed 77 em maio de 2024 no Reino Unido com Seething Akira ? Datas Restantes

  • 28 de maio ? Tunbridge Wells ? Forum
  • 29 de maio ? Londres ? Underworld

Tickets for all the main shows are available at this link.

Breed 77 online:

Artists: Breed 77

Daniel Caceiro

Born in Brazil and living in London, I co-founded and manage the UK and US sides of MetalJunkbox, specializing in concert photography, and promoting live events and launches by various artists. I?ve been a photographer since 2016 and I also act as the nerd of the team, taking care of the technical side of the project, and on top of all that, having the worst taste of the trio (or better)!

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