Caelestia - No Man's Land
Caelestia - No Man's Land

Caelestia - No Man's Land

Let's travel to the land of the most famous islands, the birthplace of democracy, modern philosophy and countless words we use today, we're talking about Greece! We'll be introducing the band Caelestia!

There are bands that don't need to be introduced; the sound they deliver speaks for itself, and in this case, it speaks very well! Caelestia is the perfect band for those who want songs with weight, melody, aggression and feeling! All this in songs that follow the school of technical, modern and brutal Death Metal, which includes influences of Black Metal and that enchant with their creative and musical capacity!!! I highly recommend them!

No Man’s Land consegue expor bem as capacidades musicais que a banda possui, uma canção bem produzida, repleta de peso, agressividade e muita velocidade! Tudo isso baseado no melhor Death Metal, com muita atitude e boa representatividade, recomendo fortemente que busquem conhecer a canção e mais musicas da banda!