Counterparts - Bound To The Burn
Counterparts - Bound To The Burn

Counterparts - Bound To The Burn

Counterparts is a Canadian hardcore band, a style that we at MetalJunkbox appreciate a lot! Formed in 2007 in Hamilton, Ontario and still active today.

We had the pleasant surprise of analyzing the band's most recent work, being the single Bound To the Burn, released last September 7th, and two more singles from the band, Whispers of Your Death and Unwavering Vow.

The first impression was of like immediately, this writer was in repeat mode a few times, three songs that impact very well, what a production, what a strong sound, of those that transport you to the atmosphere of music, everything you want when you put on your headphones! The only "problem" found is only one, the singles run out :/.

Regarding this, there is no problem. Fortunately the band has a very well established career, so I strongly recommend that you look for the band's previous works, such as Nothing Left to Love from 2019 and Tragedy will find us from 2015, excellent starting points to be able to listen to the whole discography of the band.

We highly recommend it, it's worth every minute of listening! Enjoy Counterparts!