Categories: New Releases

Delune - Stay

And we're going on the road, this time to the United States of America! Let's talk about a band known as Delune!!!

Here we have an excellent band for metal lovers, one that has influences from Core Metal, Alternative Metal, full of attitude, aggression, intensity and heaviness. Metal Core, Alternative Metal, full of attitude, aggression, intensity and heaviness! Such good bands that I couldn't fail to say that this band is indispensable in your library!!! They have some singles in their musical collection that are guaranteed to please fans of this type of sound!

Stay is a song with a huge emotional charge, a modernity that is reflected in every riff, in every line of clean vocals and also the raspy vocals that give the perfect contrast that we, lovers of bands with this energetic, aggressive and intense charge, love so much! Highly recommended!!!

Michel Chaib

Heir to the Lost Throne, music enthusiast, focused on progressive and power metal. Eternal pilgrim in search of the Holy Grail of Metal Land, a paladin of justice writer of reviews and creator of content on Metal Junkbox in his spare time. Big fan of RPGs, fantasy, philosophy, mythology and spirituality. In search of good music, great times and a good drink, cheers!

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