Despair Eternal - Bella Ciao
Despair Eternal - Bella Ciao

Despair Eternal - Bella Ciao

Today we are traveling to Germany! We have to introduce you to the band Despair Eternal!!!

If you happen to have ears that are sensitive to more intense metal genres, I can tell you that Despair Eternal will be a band that can capture your attention and change your attitude! With a musical proposal that involves a lot of heaviness, Black Metal and Death Metal aggression and a vocal that knows very well how to bring all the elements together and deliver the best of themselves, the band will give you the musical chaos you need to appreciate a good band of this genre! Despair Eternal is the band you need to hear, it will certainly please fans of more aggressive bands and convert new fans! Recommended!

Bella Ciao is a reinterpretation of the iconic song of the same name made extremely famous by the series La Casa de Papel (Money Heist). Here we have the improbable execution, black metal at its finest, with strength, weight and a lot of intensity!!! Curious? Check it out below: