Downfall 2012 - It's Too Late (Wake Up)
Downfall 2012 - It's Too Late (Wake Up)

Downfall 2012 - It's Too Late (Wake Up)

It is with great pleasure that we continue our journey through the musical world, where we will go to the lands of the United States of America, as we will talk about the band Downfall 2012!

If you happen to have ears that are sensitive to more intense metal genres, I can tell you that Downfall 2012 will be a band that can capture your attention and change your attitude! With a proposal for musical creation involved in a lot of weight, groove, alternative metal, aggression and a vocal that knows very well how to bring all the elements together and deliver the best of themselves! That's why I say Downfal is the band you need to hear, it will certainly please fans of more aggressive bands and convert new fans!

The band has just released their latest single "It's Too Late (Wake Up)" on May 2nd, and it is already available on the main digital platforms.