Dream Beard - Doom
Dream Beard - Doom

Dream Beard - Doom

It's with great pleasure that we continue our journey through the world of music, where we'll be heading to the United States of America to talk about the band Dream Beard!!!

There are bands that, when they're good, come back to MJ, and Dream Beard is one of them! The band has already appeared here, so if you missed it, check out a bit about the band:

Come on, we have here a very modern band, a band that builds its songs based on the best and most well-produced metal scene in the world! Their music ranges from alternative rock to metalcore, new metal and much more! 

Doom is a song that begins in a very intense way, making it clear that the band spares no effort to deliver quality material. With an exquisite execution, the song develops in a growing way and manages to cover a whole range of nuances that are part of the band's musical influences that deserve your attention! Check it out!