Categories: New Releases

Eyes Like Midnight - Bad Love

It's with great pleasure that we continue our journey through the musical world, where we'll be heading to the United States of America to talk about the band Eyes Like Midnight!!!

Tem bandas que quando são boas, voltam ao MJ, e Eyes Like Midnight é uma delas! A banda já apareceu por aqui, portanto, se você não viu, confira um pouco sobre a banda:

If, by any chance, you're looking for a good band to listen to, one that has managed to keep up with the changes in metal over the years, one that delivers weight, modernity and good production? Then you should listen to Eyes Like Midnight!!! A band that impresses with its quality and has great potential for growth! Their sound is based on excellent Core Metal with nuances of Alternative Metal that in the creative minds of the band have become something unique! Check them out!

Bad Love é uma canção que sabe muito bem como transmitir sentimento em forma de canção! Com uma proposta muito interessante, a banda usa e abusa da sua capacidade criativa e entrega um material inédito, com excelentes riffs, bom peso e muita qualidade, por isso, reforço, ouçam pois irão gostar do que irão ouvir!!

Michel Chaib

Heir to the Lost Throne, music enthusiast, focused on progressive and power metal. Eternal pilgrim in search of the Holy Grail of Metal Land, a paladin of justice writer of reviews and creator of content on Metal Junkbox in his spare time. Big fan of RPGs, fantasy, philosophy, mythology and spirituality. In search of good music, great times and a good drink, cheers!

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