Categories: New Releases

Intent - Number 12 (Looks Just Like You)

It's with great pleasure that we continue our journey through the world of music, where we'll be heading to the United States of America to talk about the band Intent!!!

Here we have in a simple and objective way a good and very well done Thrash Metal!!! of those that remind us of the golden age of bands like Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax. Weight, speed and aggression, all in the right measure and at the speed of the beat and the great riffs played, I can only say, check it out!

Number 12 (Looks Just Like You) é uma canção que transporta os seus ouvintes para aquela atmosfera de Thrash metal anos 80/90, bem direta e repleta de bons riffs, bateria que dá o tom e velocidade, juntamente com um vocal bem apropriado e muito bem escolhido. Confiram!!!

André Alonso

Graduated in Radio and TV, co-founder of Metal Junkbox, crazy about music and all its aspects and possibilities, and addicted to concerts, whether Mainstream or Underground. I actively participate in album and concert reviews and the curation of bands within Metal Junkbox. I?m passionate about the underground scene and supporting bands that need a space to present their work most honestly and sincerely possible.

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