Katharein - Scent Of You
Katharein - Scent Of You

Katharein - Scent Of You

Today we will travel to the lands of an iconic personality of global culture, we will go to the lands of Count Vlad Dracula, we will go to Romania!!! Let's introduce the band known as Katharein!!!

There are bands that, when they're good, come back to MJ, and Katharein is one of them! The band has already appeared here, so if you missed it, check out a bit about the band:

Here is a band that knows how to create a sound based on the best and most modern in the metal scene, combining influences from hard rock, alternative metal, heavy metal/melodic metal and much more! A modern, intense, well-crafted and well-produced sound! I recommend you listen and draw your own conclusions!

Scent Of You is a song that manages to move well through all the band's influences, we have here a lively song, full of energy, heaviness, intensity and great riffs! A good song to listen to and enjoy a good trip, I recommend you listen and draw your own conclusions!!!