Kids In Cages - Dopamine
Kids In Cages - Dopamine

Kids In Cages - Dopamine

Let's travel to one of the smallest countries in Europe and the world, let's go to Lichtenstein!!! Let's go and see the band Kids In Cages!

Come on, before I even introduce the band, I'll give you a Disclaimer!!! Kids In Cages is no longer a newcomer to MJ, we've already had our guest at another time and now we have another song to share with you. So, for those of you who won't read the band presentation first, here's the band presentation:

If you are an Alternative Metal fan, with influences of Hard Core / New Metal / Rap Metal, full of attitude, aggressiveness and weight, you can't miss this band! It is necessary to mention that all that has been mentioned is allied to very well done riffs and a vocal that really does justice to bands that carry the Alternative Metal flag! I just have to say, listen to Kids In Cages!

The band has just released its latest single ?Dopamine? which was released on November 17 and is now available on the main digital platforms.