Categories: New Releases

Let Check Out - Let Me Through

Let's continue our adventure through the musical world, we are going to the United States of America! We will present the band Let Check Out!

Se voc é um apreciador de uma boa banda de Rock, com influências de diversos estilos no mundo do Rock/Metal como Stoner, cheio de atitude, peso e intensidade não pode deixar de ouvir essa banda! É importante destacar a incrível capacidade de execução que a banda possui, com uma proposta muito própria, a banda consegue entregar um som moderno, pesado, rápido e muito bem produzido!

We start by listening to the single Let Me Through, a song full of Feeling and intensity! Important to say that the band has a vocal that matches perfectly with the musical proposal of the band, a junction between vocal and instrumental that is worth gold! So, the band can deliver an incredible song and very well produced! demonstrating a great creative quality, a mark that they leave explicit in their lyrics and compositions! I recommend that you listen to the single and more songs from the band!

André Alonso

Graduated in Radio and TV, co-founder of Metal Junkbox, crazy about music and all its aspects and possibilities, and addicted to concerts, whether Mainstream or Underground. I actively participate in album and concert reviews and the curation of bands within Metal Junkbox. I?m passionate about the underground scene and supporting bands that need a space to present their work most honestly and sincerely possible.

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