We're continuing our journey through the world of music, we're going to the United States of America! We're going to talk again about a complete artist who has already appeared on Metal Junkbox and we like very much, we're going to talk about Leila Addams!!!
Leila Addams is a singer who exudes talent, skill and creativity! With a musical proposal that manages to move brilliantly between different rock genres, the singer uses and abuses her ability and delivers songs with great melodic and sentimental charges, something that manages to hold the listener's attention and make them want to listen more and more!
Ela acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single intitulado ?Safe & Sound? no passado dia 22 de Novembro , e já esta disponível nas principais plataformas digitais, não deixem de conferir mais um trabalho primoroso de Leila Addams.
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A banda norte-americana Blue Rumor que já apareceu aqui no Metal Junkbox, acaba de lançar…
É sempre bom voltar a falar de bandas que já passaram pelo Metal Junkbox ,…