Let's go to the United States of America, because we have here a good reason to travel, let's talk about the band Lost In The Mutiny!
Hgéneros do Metal que já te pegam e te fazem ficar ouvindo uma banda, um desses géneros é o Metalcore, mas o mais incrivel por aqui é a mistura de metalcore com outros estilos muito fortes na cena, estilos esses que dão o tom unico na banda, transformando em uma marca registrada.
Haunted Halls is a very well produced song, with great moments ranging from guttural, scream and a very respectful brutal vocal! This combination makes the sound even more attractive and unique!
The band really makes a good musical impact and we hope you enjoy what you see!
Talented singer/songwriter/producer/multi-instrumentalist Mikernan Arrell, known for being a member of the bands Master Splinter and Unanimous,...
Straight from New York, the band Boiler Room has just released its latest...
American band Odds of an Afterthought have just released their latest...
Since all good things come back here on MetalJunkbox, we're going to talk about Sean...
US band Three Sixes have just released their latest single, "Reject...
Finnish band Brother Apollo have just released their latest single "Kerosene"...