Milford Mocs & Gunther Cucs - El candidat
Milford Mocs & Gunther Cucs - El candidat

Milford Mocs & Gunther Cucs - El candidat

Let's travel to the neighboring land, the land of our Hermanos, Spain!!! Let's talk about the band Milford Mocs & Gunther Cucs!!!

There are bands that, when they're good, come back to MJ, and Milford Mocs & Gunther Cucs is one of them! The band has already appeared here, so if you missed it, check out a bit about the band:

Here we have in a simple and objective way a good and very well done Thrash Metal!!! of those that remind us of the golden age of bands like Metallica / Megadeth / Anthrax among others. Weight, speed and aggression, all in the right measure and at the speed of the beat and the great riffs played, I can only say, check it out!

El candidat is a song that knows very well how to convey feeling in song form! With a very interesting proposal, the band uses and abuses its creative capacity and delivers unreleased material, with excellent riffs, good weight and a lot of quality, so, I reinforce, listen because you will like what you will hear!!!