Today we will travel to the great Germany! We have to introduce to you the band Peter Komma Der!
If you are an appreciator of a good Metal band, with Infinity of influences in the world of metal, Weight, aggressiveness and a lot of attitude, I have to say, listen to Peter Komma Der! With a very interesting proposal, the band can deliver a very modern sound, heavy, fast and very well produced!
Der Peter In Dir, was the song that introduced us to the band, with a proposal full of attitude, aggressiveness and energy, the band manages to deliver a modern, heavy and very well produced song! Of course, after listening to the song, we were tempted to listen to more songs from the band, we listened to the entire album with the same name and we can say that the band can do very well demonstrating a great productive and creative quality, a mark that they leave explicit in their compositions with their versatility and capacity of delivery! Recommended!
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