Categories: New Releases

Pocket Key – Fortune Teller

Vamos viajar para as terras da Arábia, vamos para os Emirados Árabes Unidos! Iremos falar a respeito da banda Pocket Key!!!

Pocket Key é uma banda que já tivemos o prazer de falar aqui no MJ, entretanto, caso você não tenha lido nada a respeito da banda, de uma conferida logo abaixo ?

What we bring you today is simply a very valuable band, a band that knows very well what it wants, that delivers incredible songs and with all its positive and very well-chosen influence of Hard Rock, AOR, Alternative Rock and much more! A combination of influences that creates a unique performance, full of highlights and a lot of feeling! Lovers of bands of this genre will certainly love them and those who don't know them will get to know an excellent band, check them out!!!

Teller é aquela verdadeira viagem sonora pelo mundo do rock, do Hard rock e do AOR! Temos aqui uma canção que cativa o ouvinte, que transmite uma ótima impressão e que é uma boa banda para manter em sua biblioteca !

Michel Chaib

Heir to the Lost Throne, music enthusiast, focused on progressive and power metal. Eternal pilgrim in search of the Holy Grail of Metal Land, a paladin of justice writer of reviews and creator of content on Metal Junkbox in his spare time. Big fan of RPGs, fantasy, philosophy, mythology and spirituality. In search of good music, great times and a good drink, cheers!

Published by
Michel Chaib

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