Re-Armed - Lost and Cast Off
Re-Armed - Lost and Cast Off

Re-Armed - Lost and Cast Off

Today our musical journey will take us to the icy lands of Finland! We'll be talking about the band Re-Armed!!!

If you're a fan of bands that can put you in a state of immersion, those with strong influences of Melodic Death and Symphonic Metal, which are filled with excellent riffs, keyboards and moments that capture your attention for their beauty and execution, I can only say that you can't stop listening to this band! You'll certainly have a great time listening to the songs that the band has in its musical collection, I just have to say listen to Re-Armed!

A canção que nos introduziu a banda foi a Lost and Cast Off, uma autentica viagem musical, cheia de Sentimento, peso, agressividade e intensidade! Com um vocal que combina perfeitamente com a proposta musical da banda, eles conseguem ter aquela junção entre vocal e instrumental que vale ouro ! Se você também ama bandas que transitam muito bem por esses estilos citados acima, recomendo que sigam essa banda!