Disruption - Rebirth
Disruption - Rebirth

Disruption - Rebirth

We'll be traveling to a land that those of you who follow Metal Junkbox know very well how much we love! We're going to Sweden! Today we present the band Disruption!

As you'd expect, Swedish bands never disappoint and Disruption is here to prove that yes, we have another excellent band to present! For lovers of good old thrash metal, we have here a representative of this movement that is so strong in the metal world. With incredible riffs and a very consistent presentation, Disruption delivers a sound that is strong, intense, aggressive and precise!

Rebirth is the definition of all of the above! Released as the band's debut single, Rebirth is a song that represents very well all the aggression and heaviness that the band wants to convey through their songs, so I say, check out Disruption!