Sentimental Mercenaries - Darkest Hour
Sentimental Mercenaries - Darkest Hour

Sentimental Mercenaries - Darkest Hour

Let's travel to the land that changed the course of Jewish/Christian history, let's go to Israel!!! We have to introduce this excellent band Sentimental Mercenaries!

Directly from a land known for many reasons, we also have a land that has brought to the world bands that we at Metaljunkbox cherish with great affection, such as Orphaned Land, Subterranean Masquerade and Scardust. Sentimental Mercenaries is without a doubt another band to add to this list, which is growing considerably. With a very modern sound, with influences of melodic death metal, doom metal, prog metal and a lot of creativity, the band manages to deliver work of the highest level and that deserves your attention, so don't waste time and check them out!

The band have just released their latest single "Darkest Hour", which is part of their debut album Chapter 1, released last year.