Categories: New Releases

Steal Thy Roots - Enicay!

Diretamente dos Paises baixos, a banda Steal Thy Roots capitaneado pelo musico Greg den Hartog acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single intitulado ?Enicay!?, lançado no passado dia 29 de Março.

Sensationally blending heavy metal and reggae with great style and propriety, the result of the blended melodies that Steal Thy Roots presents in Babylon is fascinating. A modern, bold work from those who aren't afraid to step out of their comfort zone and take a risk!

The single is already available on the main digital platforms.

André Alonso

Graduated in Radio and TV, co-founder of Metal Junkbox, crazy about music and all its aspects and possibilities, and addicted to concerts, whether Mainstream or Underground. I actively participate in album and concert reviews and the curation of bands within Metal Junkbox. I?m passionate about the underground scene and supporting bands that need a space to present their work most honestly and sincerely possible.

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