Subseconds - Colours and You / Joists
Subseconds - Colours and You / Joists

Subseconds - Colours and You / Joists

Today we have the pleasure of bringing one more Nordic band to our hall of nominated bands at Metaljunkbox, the band, more precisely from Finland is known as Subseconds!

It's important to point out that bands that come from Nordic countries don't usually disappoint and it's impressive how this becomes a constant in our role of appreciating bands around the world. With an extremely modern sound, which makes an excellent mix of styles such as prog metal, Djent, among others, which makes it difficult to give a label, which in my view is something extremely good, because it only shows that the band has a musical maturity and originality that few bands achieve.

In their two singles available, it was possible to see a good musical amplitude, two songs with different approaches but without losing the essence of their sound. Well ambient, with the right amount of weight, a very beautiful and striking vocal, we have here a very good and noteworthy development. The instrumental is very well explored, from guitars to drums. Besides that, the song Clours and You, brings great transitions, mainly in its final part with great investments in the vocal and back vocal, besides other instruments like saxophone. Highly recommended!!!!!