Terra Vacía - Chosen / Midnight Cry
Terra Vacía - Chosen / Midnight Cry

Terra Vacía - Chosen / Midnight Cry

Today our musical journey will take us to the United States of America! We'll be talking about the band Terra Vacía!

Here we have a perfect combination of creative ability and an excellent base of influences! The band uses and abuses its productive capacity and delivers a sound that moves brilliantly between Symphonic Metal and Progressive Metal, something that I have to say impresses any serious metal lover! With an impeccable performance, a vocal that has been tailor-made and allied to the drums, bass and guitar, they deliver all the modernity and intensity that we expect from a great band. I recommend you listen to it on repeat! ?

Chosen was the song that introduced us to the band. An authentic Louder, Harder and Stronger performance!!! We really got an impeccable execution, weight and feeling, combined with a vocal that contemplates all the band's instruments and gives that mystical and unique atmosphere that is so desired in bands of this style! Since listening to just one song wouldn't satisfy our craving for more, we decided to listen to Midnight Cry, a song that, like its successor, was a tremendous success from the very first play! With just the right amount of heaviness and melodic lines, it invites the listener on a musical journey that is intense and well experienced, a true musical experience. In short, this is a band that deserves to be followed closely so as not to miss a single release.