The Isosceles Project - The Unicorn
The Isosceles Project - The Unicorn

The Isosceles Project - The Unicorn

Today our musical journey will take us to the far north of the American continent, to Canada! We're going to talk about the band The Isosceles Project!

Here I have to say, there are bands that know how to raise the bar, how to put the listener in a state of contemplation and musical attention! bands that if you are an appreciator of good instrumental Metal, with influences of progressive Metal, Stoner and Alternative Metal, which impresses with its richness of detail, technique, which combined with good riffs and great melodies, speed and a lot of versatility, manages to capture the listener's attention? Well, I have to say, The Isosceles Project is the best choice! With a very interesting proposal, the band manages to deliver a modern, intense, deep and very well-produced sound!

The Unicorn is an incredible song. Deep and contemplative, it has a proposal full of attitude, progressiveness and virtuosity, where the band uses and abuses its technical and creative capacity! So here we have a modern, heavy and well-produced song! Recommended!