Categories: New Releases

Vihilija - Vada

Today we're going further north in Europe to Belarus! Let's talk about the band Vihilija!!!

Vihilija is a band that spares no effort when it comes to heaviness, attitude and aggression! We have here a band that plays a very important role in its national scene and delivers an approach that is very well influenced by musical movements such as Post-meta, Black Metal, Post Black metal and much more! A raw, dark, intense and very well executed sound, I recommend that lovers of the genre listen and that those who are not so familiar, start listening to today's release ?

Vada is the name of today's song, a song that exudes a lot of personality, attitude, weight and a brutal vocal that delivers a very intense emotional charge and that allied to the great riffs and instrumental work of the band close a synergy that combines very well with the musical proposal of the band, I highly recommend it!

Michel Chaib

Heir to the Lost Throne, music enthusiast, focused on progressive and power metal. Eternal pilgrim in search of the Holy Grail of Metal Land, a paladin of justice writer of reviews and creator of content on Metal Junkbox in his spare time. Big fan of RPGs, fantasy, philosophy, mythology and spirituality. In search of good music, great times and a good drink, cheers!

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