Today we're going further north in Europe to Belarus! Let's talk about the band Vihilija!!!
Vihilija is a band that spares no effort when it comes to heaviness, attitude and aggression! We have here a band that plays a very important role in its national scene and delivers an approach that is very well influenced by musical movements such as Post-meta, Black Metal, Post Black metal and much more! A raw, dark, intense and very well executed sound, I recommend that lovers of the genre listen and that those who are not so familiar, start listening to today's release ?
Vada is the name of today's song, a song that exudes a lot of personality, attitude, weight and a brutal vocal that delivers a very intense emotional charge and that allied to the great riffs and instrumental work of the band close a synergy that combines very well with the musical proposal of the band, I highly recommend it!
Vamos voltar a falar de uma banda que já passou pelo Metal Junkbox e que…
Aqui esta uma banda que nos do Metal Junkbox gostamos e muito, quem acompanha de…
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Today our musical journey will take us to one of the lands that we...