ViktorZin - Killing God
ViktorZin - Killing God

ViktorZin - Killing God

And we're off on the road, this time to Germany! Let's talk about a band known as ViktorZin!!!

If you are a fan of good instrumental metal, with influences of progressive metal, melodic death metal and post rock, which impresses with its quality and richness of detail, combined with good riffs and great melodies, speed and versatility, it manages to capture the listener's attention? I have to say, listen to ViktorZin! With a very interesting proposal, the musician manages to deliver a modern and well-produced sound!

Killing God, the song that introduced us to the band, is full of attitude, progressiveness and virtuosity! We have here a modern, heavy and very well-produced song that, after listening, we can see that the band demonstrates an excellent productive and creative quality, a mark that is made explicit in their compositions with their versatility and ability to deliver! Recommended!