Categories: New Releases

Waterfront - I Wanna Run

Let's continue our musical journey that will take us to the far north of the American continent, to Canada! We're going to talk about the band Waterfront!

Here we have an excellent band for Metal lovers, those who have influences of Metal Core, Hard Core / Alternative Metal, full of attitude, aggression, intensity and weight! Good bands in such a way that I could not fail to say that this band is indispensable in your library !!! They have some singles in their musical collection that are guaranteed to please fans of this type of sound!

A canção que nos introduziu a banda foi a I Wanna Run, Com uma proposta cheia de atitude, peso e agressividade, a banda consegue entregar uma canção incrível e muito bem produzida! demonstrando assim, uma ótima qualidade criativa, marca essa que eles deixam explicito em suas letras e composições! Temos aqui uma banda que demonstra uma boa maturidade e que sabe o que quer entregar, portanto, não deixem de conferir Waterfront !!

André Alonso

Graduated in Radio and TV, co-founder of Metal Junkbox, crazy about music and all its aspects and possibilities, and addicted to concerts, whether Mainstream or Underground. I actively participate in album and concert reviews and the curation of bands within Metal Junkbox. I?m passionate about the underground scene and supporting bands that need a space to present their work most honestly and sincerely possible.

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