Wino Gandara - Ad Astra
Wino Gandara - Ad Astra

Wino Gandara - Ad Astra

Today we're going to travel to Latin America, to Guatemala!!! We're going to talk about the band known as Wino Gandara!!!

Wino Gandara is the perfect band for those looking for a modern sound, with good heaviness, good instrumental work and who know how to combine vocals and creative ability in the construction of their songs! We can say that their sound is influenced by progressive metal, alternative rock, melodic metal and various other influences. It's worth noting that their creation is very original and manages to incorporate all these musical readings in a unique way! I recommend you listen and draw your own conclusions.

Ad Astra was the song that introduced us to the band's work, and as I like to say, we got off to a great start! The song is a great musical journey, which manages to involve the melody, rhythm and the great performance of our musician! Check it out!